What do I do?

I listen, relate and talk. 

I feel and sense.

I draw lines and curves. 

I make art. 

I write, by hand and by key.

I detect and create patterns.

I welcome mis-takes and re-visions.

I remember the limits of thinking.

I care and wonder. 

I bow before breaks and cracks as sacred sites of healing. 

Presence is my medicine.

I listen to the rhythm of my beating heart.

I cherish ancestors and time. 

I practice rest, compost and grief.

I cultivate curiosity.

I honor cycles of life and death. 

I read a lot. 

I imagine on purpose.

I listen to dreams –

both waking and sleeping.

I turn questions over…

I wonder.

I nurture uncertainty and depth learning.

I practice contemplation and compassion.

I play and laugh and mourn. 

I acknowledge Change as constant. 

I imagine us free.

I acknowledge entanglement.

I practice liberation. 

I welcome cooperation and collaboration.

-Elena Solano