Reach out if you’re interested in individual or group consultation.
Some of my favorite
co-dreamers & co-creators:
Martha Crawford’s Vocation & Discernment Groups
I recommend all of Martha’s offerings, recordings, writing and groups.
Sign up for Martha’s bi-monthly dispatch The Circle to receive updates
Recommended Resources
“Depth Conversations” a written offering by Vanessa Andreotti, Rene Susa and Dougald Hine of the GTDF Collective
A Zine by Jade E. Davis
Empathy is an Ideology: Or, who is pathologized by the ideology we call empathy?
Virtual Groups:
Robin Herold’s Patreon
Robin Herold (she/they) is a neuroqueer writer, bard, philologist, fool, & spiritual nurturer. They make art dispelling white denial, coerced gender performance, & scaling modes of oppression—from the nuclear family, to the school, the corporation, & the state.
Their writing is a tool for unlearning internalized patriarchy, ableism, racism, capitalism, & hierarchy; it's a leap toward dis-investment from institutions upheld by these dominating systems of relation, & a leap toward a radical ethics guided by love.
Avid and I have partnered to host Monstrosity in the Making: A Virtual, Creative Studio Space - accepting applications through June 2023
Nina Hatfield’s Co-Resting Group
A gentle, semi-introverted, semi-social community…
Groups will welcome new members in late June & early July 2023
Catherine May - “The Village”
Catherine is a business owner & consultant, coach, breathwork and group facilitator based in Brooklyn NYC. To stay connected with Catherine or to book an appointment, send her a message through her website.
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The Impossibility and Irrelevance of Empathy
By Sekai Farai, Independent User Researcher + Anthropologist